

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Heading to New York, New York!

My updates are looooooonnnnggg overdue. But things at work have been crazy busy. Anyways, here is an update of what has been going on in my life.....

New York, New York - a city so nice they named it twice! I am finally going to New York!!! Have gotten my US Visa. Plane ticket booked. Hotels sorted. I am super super excited that this long awaited trip is finally happening.

I will be travelling solo for the first time and I am extremely looking forward to the adventure that awaits! A trip where I get to be totally selfish. I can do what I want, whenever I want without having to worry if everyone else is ok with it. Totaly unadulterated freedom!

Apart from that nothing else much has been happening. Definitely nothing new on the relationship front. Had not had a date in ages and no one has really struck my fancy.

On the job front, I have quit my job. It has become hopeless working here. The lack of support and understanding from the Management has made it incredibly hard for the project to be a success. So I am now currently serving out my 3 months notice period. My last day is on 8th November 2016, right before my trip to NYC. I can now go on my break without having to worry about work.

Fingers crossed, there is a particular job that I am eyeing. Really hoping that I get it. Don't wanna say much yet as I don't want to jinx it. But wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Definitely visiting Chiangmai again

Can't believe it is been two weeks since I got back from my vacation. Definitely definitely definitely visiting Chiangmai again! Although I didn't do much this trip I definitely loved the vibe that I was getting from the place.

We went there to celebrate my mother's 70th birthday as a family. Only one missing was my second sister (who couldn't make it as she lives all the way in Sydney and had just come back for a holiday in December).

We mostly spent the trip just exploring the markets (night market, food market, Sunday market) and checking out the shopping malls in Chiangmai. My parents have been there before so they have done all the touristy thing like visiting the temples etc so they didn't want to do that all over again.

There are plenty to do though in Chiangmai. If you a adventurous and love sports then you can spend a day riding ATVs, zorbing, zip-lining or even white water rafting! Chiang Rai is just a couple of hours' drive away and there are plenty of guides that can take you there for a day trip. Apparently the White Temple there is a must see! If you are a lover of Thai food you can even spend a day learning how to cook Thai food from scratch. Can't wait to try out all that when I visit again....whenever that will be!

Sunday, March 27, 2016


I started a crowdsourcing campaign to try and raise additional funds for my long awaited and long anticipated trip to New York City. I thought to myself, what is the harm in trying right? With the encouragement of a friend, I finally got around to doing it.

You can access my campaign at NYCDebs. If you are feeling generous please feel free to contribute towards my campaign...:) Even a small gesture of USD10 is good enough...:P If you are feeling less generous then how about a USD1 or USD 5 contribution..:P

Gracias, in advance...and have a great SUNDAY!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Time for a Short Vacay!

I am looooooooooonnnnnggggg overdue for a break and I am finally about to take one. Headed off to Chiangmai this coming weekend to celebrate my Mum's 70th birthday. Sooooo looking forward to it. Would have much prefer a beach vacay but then any vacay is better than none!

Also bought myself a new camera - the Canon Power Shot G7X. Been wanting to get a good camera for ages. Finally parted with my hard earn moolah to buy this baby. Hoping to get some nice shots in Chiangmai.

Have a great weekend peeps!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New York Dreaming

Yay!! Bonus time is here. My company has paid out our annual bonus and I really can't complain about it. I am a happy girl indeed. That bonus has now put me that one step closer to realising my dream of visiting New York! Apart from the bonus that I have deposited into FD accounts, to-date I have been given USD1 to kick start my USA holiday fund. Feel free to ask for my account number if you want to contribute towards my fund...:P

I am still trying to decide on a right time to go and how long to go for. Would really love to go during Christmas time but that is when things get expensive. Definitely do not want to be there during summer. Hmmm........

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016 - Here I Come!!!!

Another year has come to an end and a new year has begun. How fast time flies. 2015 felt like it has gone by in the blink of an eye.

2015 started off as a year of many "wants". I wanted a lot of things to get better for me and I really can't complain about how the year turned out. So that left me wondering about what to anticipate for 2016. I have been asking myself, what do I want to achieve in 2016? Which aspect of my life do I want to see an improvement or change in? I could only think of one - my relationship status! Don't get me wrong, I would still rather stay single than settle for someone who is not right for me but I have always been more of a relationship person than a casual dating kinda girl. So I ponder my fate and try to figure out my chances of that happening. At this age it is getting harder and harder to meet people around my age group who are neither married nor attached. Also, having dated plenty of Asian men here, I am beginning to draw the conclusion that I don't click as well with them as opposed to Asian men who were born and raised in a western country. I know this may sound absurd to some, but it is true. Asian men here tend to be more chauvinistic and would still much rather prefer their women to be on the submissive end. Oh well, let's see what 2016 has in store for me on the relationship front.

What are my resolutions for the year? Or rather what do I hope to accomplish this year? Here is my WIP list :-

  • Visit USA (specifically New York! New  York!)
  • Spend less, save more
  • Be Happy!
  • Don't sweat the small stuff

Let's see how I fare as the year progresses.....

Side note : I actually started this blogpost in the first week of January 2016 but was so busy with work that I didn't have time to complete my thoughts and finish it....and before you know it February has crept up on me! See what I mean? Time really does fly!