

Saturday, August 8, 2015

New Addition to the Family

There is a new addition to the family and he is super cute! His name is Simba and he is a 7 week old toy poodle.

To be perfectly honest, the arrival of Simba was greeted with mixed feelings. Our last dog, Vader, died a year ago and my mum and I said no more dog. My dad however, immediately wanted to go out and get another dog. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs but I work full time and I didn't want my mum to have to end up looking after another dog. It's time she had a break from always having to care for someone or something. 

The first week was really tense on the home front. My dad didn't quite live up to his promise that he would be the one taking care of the dog and my mum got left with trying to toilet train it, cleaning up the dog's poo and stuff, feeding it and bathing it. She got pretty frustrated and finally voiced out her frustrations. My mum will avoid confrontation if possible so she mostly keeps her frustrations to herself. Anyways, after that they worked out a schedule. I try to help out whenever possible but since I am working full time, I am not really at home much.

Anyways, my mum is sucker for a cute face so it is not surprise that she has fallen in love with Simba. Just check out his cute little face, it is hard not too!

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