

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Life was meant for living

Life was meant for living. 
Live life to the fullest.
You only live once. 
Live life with no regrets. 
Live like there is no tomorrow.

All the above are sayings or quotes that are meant to remind you that life is short and I am sure that you have come across one or all of it at some point in your life. 

"Life was meant for living" is actually engraved on my Ipad and "Live  life to the fullest" is engraved on my Ipod. I guess that is why my nature can be impulsive at times. Just like Nike, I always tell people "JUST DO IT" - but of course only in the right situation. If I am ever uncertain about a decision, I would rather take a chance and go for it. If I were to hold back I would then be left wondering "What if?". Life is too short for "what ifs".

What stops a person from doing something? Is it a fear of failure? Is it because you are in a comfort zone and you are afraid to step out of it for better or for worse? Is it because of an adversity to risk? Well, the one thing that I have learned after 36 years of life is that there are no guarantees in life. There is no such thing as a "sure thing". You may succeed in some of your ventures or you may fail. But at least you tried, right? With every attempt, even when you fail, it is an experience. What matters is what you take away with you from the whole experience. There is a lesson to be learnt in every failure. And hey, if at first you don't succeed, try and try again, right?

Life is short. I know I may sound morbid but who knows what will happen tomorrow? So, ask yourself "What is the one thing that you have always wanted to do but never had the courage to do?" Is there a secret passion that you have always wanted to indulge in but was always to0 shy to do so (and I am not talking about anything kinky a la Fifty Shades of Grey)? Is there someone that you have always wanted to approach but never had the guts to? Is there someone that you need to make amends with but have never done so? Ultimately, is there anything that you will regret not doing?

You only have one life - LIVE IT!

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