

Monday, June 1, 2015

Two months down the road.....

It's two months down the road after the break up and I still find myself discovering and learning new things. Today while talking to a friend I realised that I never actually acknowledged or admitted to myself that the way he treated me after the break up hurt me. I knew that the break up hurt. That I was hurt by him walking away from the relationship so easily, but I never acknowledged the fact that the way he treated me after the break up hurt me as well. For some reason it never sunk in that once you have broken up that person still has the power to hurt you. But they still can. It hurts to have someone who once seemed to care so much about you treat you so badly after you are no longer together. I guess acknowledging that is another piece of the puzzle falling into place.

Today instead of letting things get me down I decided to look at the positive side of things. Making lemonade out of lemons right? Instead of thinking about the break up, I should be glad that I am capable of loving someone. I always tell my friends, it is better to have loved and hurt than to have never loved at all. Instead of thinking of why did I let myself get hurt again, I should be proud that I still have faith in love and relationships to always keep trying. Instead of feeling like a fool for falling for him,  I should applaud myself for taking a chance on him. It takes courage to love someone and to open yourself up to them completely.

Who knows, the right guy may be around the corner. Or he may not be. I may meet plenty more of Mr. Wrongs before I meet my Mr. Right. All I know is I am excited about the adventures that awaits me.

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