

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What's the worst that could happen?

Yesterday I was asked to do something by my brother-in-law. He is a life coach and I asked him if 36 years old was too old to start something new (I know this is kinda contradictory to the theme of my post yesterday). This was his reply :-

"Grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. Write down all the pros on one side and cons on the other. If you think that the pros are worth it, stuff it just do it. For someone who is still living at home with no kids and no commitments, it's a no brainer Deb! What's the worst that can happen? It's not as if mum and dad will kick you out if you failed."

Wise words indeed from a wise one. Which is true. What have I got to lose right? And didn't I just preach yesterday about the value of chasing after your dreams because you only live once?

·           My work will be my passion.
·           I work for myself and not for someone else.
·           For now it is something that I can work on while working full time.
·           No security of having a fixed income.
·           Not sure if the concept is something that will work in Malaysia.

It's a very short list of pros and cons. And the fact that I am single with not much financial obligations kinda makes it an easy choice to make. Well, I have actually started working on it but the going is slow at the moment.

Anyways, here is how the rest of the conversation went, picking up from his earlier question of "What's the worst that can happen?" :-

Me : I think it is more of a presonal disappointment thing. 
BIL : WHen you are on your death bed, what will you be saying to yourself?
Me : I wish I had tried?
BIL : Whats going to be the disappointment then?
Me : You make a good point.
BIL : Then what's your excuse now? As Yoda said, There is Will or Will Not. There is no Try.
Me : Sometimes we all need to be pushed.
BIL : Starts with you knowing with crystal clarity who you want to be in 10 years. Describe it in the present tense. Try it.

So here goes. Here is how I would describe myself when I am 46 years old.

I am still a feisty Scorpion who is living the life of her dreams. I am not wealthy in material things, but I am living a life which is rich in so many ways. I have a life which is rich in experiences. I have been fortunate enough to travel the world, more than most people have been given the chance. I have been knocked down so many times but I have always picked myself up and came out the better for it. I have a business that I love. I dared to chase my dream and am now one of those fortunate few whose work and passion are the same. I am living in the city of my dreams. I finally don't feel like a square peg in a round hole anymore. I am finally where I belong. I share my life with a partner that complements me well. He lets me be me and I never had to change who I am to be with him. I am at a point in my life where I have never been more sure of myself. Of what I want. It was not an easy road getting here. I won't lie. There were moments where I felt like giving up. The journey to achieving your dreams is never an easy one. It is hard work but the rewards are well worth the sweat and tears. There were plenty of heartbreak before I met the right guy for me. Finding a partner who is right for you is not an easy task either. It is a fine line between compromising yourself to fit the guy or compromising with the guy to make the relationship work. There were times when I was so disappointed with life that I thought "Is this as good as it gets?" The answer is no. So I am here to tell you. Don't give up. The road to happiness is not easy. But it is well worth it. 

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