

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Yay for love! A new landmark ruling passed by the Supreme Court of the US of A has legalized gay marriage nationwide. This historic ruling has not exactly found favor in all quarters though. It certainly has gotten everyone talking. From my Facebook newsfeed alone I can see the divided opinions of my friends and acquaintances. As for me, I am 100% in favor of the decision and applaud the 5 supreme court judges for their courage in doing so. Thanks to them the gay community in the USA can now enjoy the same rights that heterosexuals do.

You may have a different viewpoint from me and that is ok. But hear me out. 

What is so wrong with allowing gay marriage? Does it create social ills? I don't see how it does. Most importantly how does a union between two homosexuals affect you and your life? I don't see how it does. It may offend your sensitivities but that is your problem, not theirs.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe that our sexual orientation is a choice that we make in our life. We don't wake up one day and go "Oh, I think I am going to be gay from this day forward." I believe that we are born to be what we are. Those who use religion as an argument seems to use it to their advantage whenever it pleases them (one of the reasons why I have stayed away from any religion).  I thought most religions preach tolerance, understanding and love. I thought most religion teaches you not to judge others.

In any event, what right do we have to deny others their happiness? What right do we have to deny others their right to a fulfilling relationship that ends in marriage? Straight or gay, as long as the union is between two consulting adults, I don't see how that is anyone else's business but theirs.

Picture courtesy of the Associated Press - Evan Vucci

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