

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Closure of sorts....

Can't believe that today would be my last full day in Bali and I would be leaving this beautiful island tomorrow.

I am glad I came on this trip. I always knew that as difficult as this trip may be it was something that I had to do. I guess I wanted to come here for a closure of sorts. I have never been the girl who tries to runaway and hide from anything. I always feel that for me to be able to completely move on I have to face my demons and bury them once and for all. The need to deal with it now is to avoid it coming back to haunt me later on.

So, I came on this trip. I tried one last time to smooth things over with my ex. It didn't work. But at least I tried. It's funny, yesterday we were out for some water sports and from where I was seated I could see him having so much fun. I saw him smiling and laughing and I realised despite everything I was glad that he was enjoying himself.

At the end of the day, I will never wish him ill. I will always wish him well and wish him every happiness. One day we may be friends or we may never be. Who knows? But whatever it is, if and when he does want to be friends I will always be there. But for now we will fade into being complete strangers again. He is now another chapter in my life that has come to a close, although it is closed with a heavy heart.

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