

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Love at first sight

Do you believe in love at first sight? We all know that there is definitely such a thing as lust at first sight, but love at first sight? Most of us are skeptical about the existence of love at first sight. Rare as it may be I believe that it does exist. Just because it is a rarity does not mean that it can never happen. Just not everyone is lucky to experience it. 

What is definitely more common is falling for someone at first sight. An instant connection. An intense like for that person at first sight. This is usually when you instantly click with that person upon meeting him or her. In fact more than click. You have only just met this person but it feels like you have already known this person for ages!

Just a word of advise though - love at first sight or falling for someone at first sight does not necessarily mean that the relationship will last. Take your time to get to know that person a little bit better. Your first perception may not always be accurate. The fact that you have this insane chemistry with the other person is great as it make getting to know the other person so much more exciting and fun, but a relationship cannot last just based on chemistry.

When I met my ex that was exactly what I felt. I felt like I was falling for him at first sight. I was instantly attracted to his personality. He was funny (we shared the same sense of humour), he got along so easily with people that he had just met (even my friends thought he was great!) and we shared a lot of similar views (on life, love and just in general). I loved the fact that we were both equally as outgoing. And it felt like he could see past my exterior and knew who the real me was.

In hindsight I should have taken a bit more time to get to know him better before rushing into a relationship with him especially a LDR one. But the kind of chemistry we had swept the both of us up (or at least it did sweep me up). I don't remember feeling that excited or that passionately about someone before. Not in the last 10 years at least! I loved the way he made me feel. I wish I could say the same for him. I thought he felt exactly the same way, but the way he acted after the break up left me wondering.

Although it didn't work out, the fact that I felt that way made me believe again that magic does exist. Outwardly I may appear to be practical in nature but when it comes to love, I have always bought into the whole rom-com thing. I believe in a love worth fighting for. I believe in a crazy, carefree, intense kind of love. The kind where you are willing to give up anything for. But I guess after a string of failed relationships I began to lose hope. I started to just settle for companionship. After all, I am an independent woman perfectly capable of looking after herself, so who needs a partner in life, right? I couldn't have been more wrong and it took this relationship, the break up and all the hurt that came with it to make me realise that. In many ways I don't need a man in my life and yet in many ways I do. So I can't wait until magic strikes again but this time I will let it play out a bit longer and hopefully sometime in the near future I would meet my Mr. Right.

Who knows? Serendipity may just be waiting to happen.

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