

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My lightbulb moment

I finally had my lightbulb moment today. You know, the moment when something finally clicks and and things begin to make sense? Yeah, well I had that today.

If you have been following my blog you will know that I have been stuck for the longest time trying to figure out how my ex could change so much and so fast (i.e. to go from being the sweetest guy to me to being a total jerk post break-up). Anyways, today I finally realised that probably underneath all that he is not a very nice guy. If someone was truly nice, I figured they would be nice regardless of the circumstance. Don't get me wrong, am not saying that he is a bad person. Just that maybe he is a tad bit selfish and self-absorbed which led him to handle the whole thing so badly. Of course he was nice to me in the first month, we were a couple and that is when you are usually on your best behaviour, right?

So yeah, that's me...a bit slow on the uptake when it came to this whole break-up fiasco. So now that the lights have been switched on, let's hope it stays on.

That's all for today...:)

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