

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Revolving door of friends

Was going through my collection of photos today. Sure does bring back hell of a lot of memories! Looking back at the photos I realised the our life is a revolving door of friends and acquaintances. People come and go in your life. Some stay longer than others. Some are there but for a fleeting moment.

I have been truly blessed to have some of the most amazing friends. Some I have known since I was like 9 years old! Others I have met over the years and many of them have stayed on in my life. Sometimes I can't help but wonder why did life send them my way? Why do some people come into your life only to walk out of it? Some of them are people that I used to date and we have remained friends till today and I still count some of them amongst my close circle of friends.

It's funny, even as I was writing this blogpost, this article popped up on my Facebook feed :-

Here are some excerpts from the article which I found helpful :

"Loss can be one of the most painful feelings to endure but over time, the pain lessens and our eyes are opened to the fact that we don’t actually need that person anymore.

It might not seem like it at the time, but good things end so great things can happen.

We, as individuals, have the mental capacity to judge who has a positive impact on our lives, meaning someone can only be defined as a loss if we choose to define them as one.

Regardless of the circumstances, everything happens for a reason. Even though it might not seem like it at the time, there’s an explanation as to why that person isn’t in our lives anymore."

"While it’s hard to accept that not everyone who enters our life is meant to stay, we as human beings are built to encounter new people. We’re designed to explore, discover and grow, and not be held back by people who don’t have the same capacity as us."

"Life is too short to be anything but happy, so we need to learn to surround ourselves with people who matter. We either grow with, or grow apart from people, and if it doesn’t feel right, it might be best to let it go.

People will become strangers and distant memories, but we don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from our lives.

Nobody has the right to infect us with negativity and doubt. There will come a point in life when we’ll get tired of having to prove ourselves and we’ll get bored of trying to fix things.

It’s not giving up; it’s realizing we deserve more. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting ourselves first for once, and the sooner we do that, the better.

Because, after all, our broken moments don’t define us. It’s how we deal with them that does."

I couldn't agree more with the last sentence. It is true. Our broken moments do not define us. I have been broken so many times before. But ultimately what will define me is whether I will stay broken or whether I will mend the pieces. I chose to piece together the broken pieces. And as I do so, I will continue to meet more people in my journey through life. As before, some friendships will last, others will fade. People will come and people will go.

My crazy circle of friends

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